Athlete's Foot That Just Won't Go Away

Have you ever had athlete’s foot that just just won’t go away no matter what you try? Sometimes it can feel like it never really goes away, but just has “good days and bad days”. It’s frustrating! The technical term for this fungus is tinea pedis and it tends to first rear its ugly head in between toes, but it can also and will spread if not treated correctly.

We know it’s frustrating. The burning and itching can be enough to wake you up in the night. So why is relief so hard to find?

Are you using over-the-counter athlete’s foot medications from Idaho Falls pharmacies?

Are you just trying the different options of medications and brands at random?

Did you know? “While many individuals attempt to cure this skin condition with over-the-counter ointments, this actually makes the tinea pedis fungus stronger.”

If you’re looking for relief and athlete’s foot treatment in Idaho Falls, High Valley Dermatology needs to be your next stop. Stop trying the same unsuccessful guesses and attempts at curing your foot fungus. If you live in Idaho Falls, you are the lucky ones because you live so close to the best dermatologists in Idaho. Take advantage of High Valley’s athlete’s foot treatment in Idaho Falls.

You can get athlete’s foot from damp or wet floor, such as showers, swimming pools, and locker room floors.

To prevent Athlete’s Foot:

  • Keep your feet clean, dry and cool
  • Wear clean socks
  • Don’t walk barefoot in public areas
  • Wear flip-flops in locker room showers
  • Keep your toenails clean and clipped short

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Your Idaho Falls High Valley Dermatology physicians can actually help you out and give you back a life without having to constantly worry about your feet. Call us to make an appointment at 208-522-SKIN (7546) and we will get you set up with an appointment as soon as possible. Until the date of your appointment, just try to keep your shoes and socks off as much as possible and keep your feet clean.

Are you living in discomfort from athlete’s foot in Idaho Falls?

High Valley Dermatology is here to help you. Give us a call or fill out our contact form today.
