Molluscum Contagiosum is a highly contagious virus that causes small pearl or dome shaped bumps on the skin similar to the wart virus. It is spread by contact to infected skin or other contaminated objects such as towels or toys. It is most common in children under the age of 11 but adults can often be infected. Individuals with atopic dermatitis (eczema) or immune deficiencies are more likely to contract molluscum.
It is most commonly seen on the arms, legs or trunk but can be spread to face and genitals. People often complain that the bumps feel itchy leading to additional skin irritations or infections. Without treatment lesions may continue to spread or cause secondary bacterial infections or eczema near the sites. Outbreaks are common in schools and day care facilities where children share toys and supplies.

Treatment Options:
- Cryotherapy - Using liquid nitrogen to freeze the bumps
- Cantharidin - Blistering Agent
- Squaric Acid or DNCB (Immunotherapy) - Cause an allergic reaction to help stimulate the immune system
- Curettage - Scrape the lesions off using a Curette
- Prescription Medications - Imiquimod or Retinoid
Treatment of these lesions are not always necessary they will resolve with time but it is the best option to prevent spreading to others. Call to schedule an appointment to discuss the best treatment option for you.
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