Scalp Psoriasis

Do you have an itchy flaky scalp that never seems to go away?
Are you tired of always having flakes on your clothing?
We have treatment options that work!!  Scalp Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes itchy, red, scaling patches.  It can present as just small patches or it can also affect your entire scalp.   It isn’t something you have to live with. We offer many treatment options including topical, oral, and injectable medications.
We also offer light therapy including narrowband UVB and XTRAC laser.
Psoriasis Sufferers have new hope in the XTRAC Excimer laser.

Psoriasis on scalp and hairline
The first FDA approved laser treatment for this inflammatory skin condition.  It really works and it works much faster than other light devices.  Because it can concentrate its light on active lesions, XTRAC allows the technician to deliver the high therapeutic doses to those necessary areas without risk to healthy skin.   This treatment options is not painful, doesn’t have other systemic side effects like oral medications or injectable, minimal to no risks, doesn’t damage the hair follicles, and works effectively.
Check out our XTRAC Excimer Laser.
